Do you all like reading Unusual Love and the images that I have? I’m really trying to push out these new books too but I need all the support I can get.
Do you all like reading Unusual Love and the images that I have? I’m really trying to push out these new books too but I need all the support I can get.
I apologize if it seems like I’m not staying on schedule but my body has been going through some things and I’m really trying to keep up with my schedule y’all.
I’d like to share how much I appreciate all of my readers and supporters. Y’all mean the world to me for helping me accomplish my dream of becoming an author one step at a time. Thank y’all so much.
P.S.- can y’all go read Healing please? I would appreciate it
I want to apologize to all my readers, my account wasn’t acting right and I was trying to fix it but I’m back now and I’m going to immediately give you all the updates you’ve been patiently waiting on. I hope you can forgive me and continue to support me.
Hey girl I know that you don't know me but I'm a huge fan either good Rider what you wrote for the Black Panther t'challa possibly good please update I am really looking forward to reading more