I leave this app for like months then come back when I'm bored soooo... 🙀
Old enough🤞🏽
I'm black
I'm rolling with the lgbt (bisexual)
She/her/hers prns please!!
Proud Renga,Matchablossom,Obamitsu,GenMui,InoTan,InoAoi,Tanjiro x Kanao,Uzuren,Sabigiyuu and Sanegiyuu shipper😻
If you like J*ffery D*hmer,T*d B*ndy (any serial killer) J@ck Dyl@n Gr@zer, J3remy , or ad*m(sk8 the infinity)please dni. 😨

I'm a boring person who reads alooooot of fics but can't write one cuz I'm lazy as FUCK👍🏽 I lack sports,math and sleep

Reminder to drink water and sleep well!
Ok bye!!!
  • JoinedJuly 22, 2021
