
Just wanted to give a huge shoutout to everyone that has stuck with me for these three years and have put up with my tardiness when it comes to submitting chapters!
          	Love all of you guys!


What do you use for your book covers? o.o


Another banner I have recently done is : for a friend of mine.  It's an interesting story with a strong female lead that should hold you off until the next update!


Sorry about the delay!  I use CorelDraw for my covers. :D


It has been decided! I will not be working on the sequel to Silver Sand nor on the sequel to Twin Snakes.
          But!  I will be working on a new Itachi love story and continue the Beauty of Rage story!  Also, there WILL be a sequel for Beauty of Rage!
          So quick over view!
          No sequel for Twin Snakes and Silver Sand!
          The Sasuke love story is on hold and probably won't go anywhere unless someone wants to co-write with me on that one!  
          New series: An Itachi love story!
          Continued series: Beauty of Rage!
          The Itachi story will NOT have a sequel.  It will start from the girl's birth up until the point I want it to be.  It will differ from the anime/manga quite a bit.  Also, she's pretty BA!  Comment/message me with what you want to see for the Itachi love story!


I won't be able to work on BoR until like December most likely because I have a story for a scholarship due in the middle of November and then finals.  Just wanted to warn you guys.  Also, don't forget to message me or leave a comment on the latest chapter of BoR about any questions you might have because the next chapter is going to be answering some of Kakashi's questions and your questions as well!