
I really go from crying one minute to laughing my ass off the next minute bruh


Wow never had something which described me so well! 
          “Tritype® 459, 495, 549, 594, 945, 954-The Contemplative
          If you are a 459, you are intuitive, knowledgeable, and accepting. You want to be original, wise, and peaceful. Highly self-aware and reflective, you are very shy, reserved, and self-conscious. You need regular quiet time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Easily flooded with emotion, it is difficult for you to voice your ideas and feelings. You are deep person the fits the image of “still waters run deep”.”


I published a book where I can do all the research and guess/determine your mbti personality type. Anyone can comment and request. The book is called ‘I will guess your mbti type’. The rules to follow are written in chapter 0. Please check it out if you’re interested. 


It turns out that I’m an empath which might explain why I can sense other’s emotions in seconds and sometimes when I sense they’re upset or not having a good day it affects my mood too and sometimes I can’t tell the difference between my mood and theirs if I spend a long time with them. However, emotions are still a mystery to me.


RIP Kentaro Miura. Berserk manga was literally the BEST manga. The art was GOD TIER, the plot was GOD TIER. I don’t know how I really feel about all this. RIP he will be missed. If I could give a few years of my life to him, I’d gladly do it.