
just give my latest chapter a read, lease. It has some very relavent things in there, that I want people to see


          Whats that?
          Three of my stories have dissapeared?
          Don't worry, you're not going crazy.
          I have deleted We all give into our darkness, highschool madness and NaNaNaNa.
          NaNaNaNa wasn't fully uploaded and was my first story, it was really REALLY bad,  and there was no point keeping it honistly.
          The other two were also quite bad, and there was meant to be a third book but I never finished the second, and honistly I didn't plan to. So rather than dissapoint people, it's gone. I'm Still working on Terrified(and it's headcannon book), Darkness, my oneshots and insomnia books, and I'm working on a book called Blood, which will NOT be a fanfiction, rather a creation of my own.


this message may be offensive
I know, Iknow, I'm VERY behinde on updating. but I have a lot of free time now, so I sould get my stories advanced, even if it's only by a chapter. Sorry things have taken soooo long >~< But I also have some books that i'm writing physically AND a shit ton of fan projects AND some books that are being written completly as drafts before I even post a chapter, I'm too damn creative for my own good I swear....
          Anyways, Iven 'Billy-Cipher' Rogers OUT!


Finally! Another Cipher, how are ya pal? It's rare to meet people- i mean dream demons like us around these place, and a depressed one? Tbh, I think every Cipher in our family is depressed, crazy, insane, psychopath, or extremely lonely.... I think we really are related As a Cipher, i need to know what kind of "Dere" are you, mine is a yandere, how bout yours?


@weirdcreepyotakugirl hmm... i would say a good relm to touch would be outlast. Its already currpt due to its own nature but... you could become a god with how dumb they are


Lol, it's "realm", it's funny how dumb people are sometimes.....sorry that was honest MC, anyways, hmm... To be honest, I haven't found any interesting realms to rule and corrupt, but yours is a nice one, I like it... If you found any realm that I--or WE (not the two of us..I'm talking bout THEM..capslock for the feels~) can corrupt, I request that you tell me as fast as how I watch you-know-what when they leave me... Arigato gozaimasu!❤


@weirdcreepyotakugirl hmm... dere wise I'm not sure. I have met a few ciphers here but they are... not worth interaction. I am quite glad to meet another cipher. Have you claimed a relm? I personally have claimed south park. Its just as unique and wierd as The falls.




@KatieTheKitticorn *no know how to process*


I'll rant it out here, as no one knows me. No one will pretend to care. No one will notice. I just annoy people. I have no skills, an when i complain I annoy people. My existnce annoys eveeryone. I shouldn't have been born, I've just caused problems and made things worse.


@Billy-Cipher Oh yeah, sorry been kinda busy, with school about to start and stuff..


@Jayisthebest61 a-anyways, are you gonna reply to our RP?


@Billy-Cipher ........*still hugging* ;^;