
That painful moment you start rewriting chapter one for the sixth time.


@status what are you going to study?


Thats pretty handy. What is the payment option? HECS available? @EmilyLK


@BillyJBevan pretty sure you can just sign up and do it on open. I didn't have to do any application.

Metaphorphosis Thought this would be *right* down your alley. I've got an account on there and it's heaven for the serious writer. 
          Hope you're doing well! :)


Thank you for that, I'm looking at it now and it seems interesting. 
            I am doing quite well. So much planning in writing. I love it, but it becomes so tiresome. 
            How are you doing? Get into your preferred University?


You're back :)


This is very true. My problem is I daydream. Too much of that and not enough writing.


Can't rush art man :P
            And yes, Tolkien was a god unto himself - we can only dream.


Though I'm now 8 weeks and 56000 words behind schedule.


Well... :) 
          I saw a reply made by EmilyLK  to one of your comments, and given what she said I thought I'd check out your profile. I was flicking though your work and Edolhmir immediately grabbed my attentions. 
          I love fantasy and Edolhmir sounds like its going to be a really good book :) so I decided to follow you.


Thanks for your comment, it was a nice show of support :)


NP :) I honestly get what he was saying, but he spoke for everyone. He has his right to an opinion, mines just different :) Just keep doing what you feel comes naturally and you will keep a strong, honest fanbase and your work will be yours, not others.


Thank you so much for the follow! (Oh and welcome to Wattpad!)
          WHOAHOHO is that an impressive list of martial arts. I am so totally in *awe* of your abilities. If there has been any sport I've ever wanted to learn, Martial Arts has been the top amongst all of them! 
          Also, I'm actually just applying to various colleges, but I do already know that feeling!
          So, I don't extend this offer often, but I have a soft spot for writers who appear to have matured their talent, so if there's any piece of writing you'd like me to take a look at, I'd be happy to! We have a lot in common, btw ;D


Thank you so much for saying that--it really means a lot. Avernus is my baby and I'll do anything and everything in the world to see her published one day. Although as long as school keeps up devouring my time, I wonder how long that'll take.....
            Mayeb I'll find a group in college! I'm definitely open to trying new things.
            Haha, acing classes is one hard that I won't even be able to think about if I don't get into the colleges I like :P
            Oh and definitely! PM me when you've got something you'd like me to take a look at. If I have time, I'll get to it right away :D
            (Duuude, Linkin Park is my childhood. Seriously, they were all I listened to at the age of seven [dunno if I was supposed to but eh, Greenday and Linkin Park were my pigtail jams and at the time I really couldn't understand much except the awesome voices and music :P])


The follow is deserved. Your work is great. I can tell you have put time and energy into it (Avernus). Not just thrown some words together for the sake of writing. 
            Martial arts is for everyone! I encourage anyone who wishes to strengthen their mind to find a group where they are support, understanding and passionate. It doesn't matter the style - its about dedication and persistence - not about so much the physical skills.  It helps round your whole outlook on life. :) enjoy finding somewhere that fits you perfectly. Try heaps of classes and styles to you find your niche.
            Good luck getting in! With your skills I'm sure you'll ace all your classes!
            I have been working on a Fantasy piece for two months now called Methiren. Ive spent that time collecting thoughts, ideals and plot intrigue. Time to start writing now. Starting is daunting.
            When I have something of substance I'd be honored if you could take a quick look and let me know what you think. 
            Linkin Park... another of my favorites I forgot to add to my list.