
And just like that another month has passed. This month has been busy and hectic. Someone hit my car, getting used to my new dense work schedule, it’s been a lot. BUT, I’m almost done with the new chapter, I have like 10% left then revising to do. So not to much longer to go, I hope to get it done but time will show the problems that’ll pop up as we go along, thanks for your patience, much love, and talk again soon!


And just like that another month has passed. This month has been busy and hectic. Someone hit my car, getting used to my new dense work schedule, it’s been a lot. BUT, I’m almost done with the new chapter, I have like 10% left then revising to do. So not to much longer to go, I hope to get it done but time will show the problems that’ll pop up as we go along, thanks for your patience, much love, and talk again soon!


Alright gang, still keeping up with monthly updates. Rolling into September the story is coming along smoothly, issue is its taking ling due to time and the amount of cross referencing im doing. Stories getting crazy fast, I'm just making sure I get names, dates, and locations all correct.
          Things are heating up in story, the side stuff I work on like my streaming, and soon the account I’ll have on ao3 where I’ll be posting this series as well. Many improvement and changes constantly happening but same great stories.
          Thank you all, I’ll be keeping you updated and talk again soon!


Welp, looks like most people want updates every month so here’s Augusts update. Life has been crazy like always, but I’ve been figuring out how to rangle the crazy. 
          It’s been tuff taking care of my mental health while also working on this story, twitch, YouTube, and my part time job. It is all a hassle so thank you for bearing with me all this time. 
          Currently the newest chapter is at 5000+ words, so more than half way done, depending on my free time I might finish it along with editing this month BUT we’ll have to see. Thank you all so much for your patience and sticking with me for as long as you have. Hope you all enjoy where the story is going and I can’t wait for you to see what happens. Take care and talk again soon!


Can’t wait take it easy


I know I’ve done monthly updates in the past, and I stoped those because didn’t seem like most people cared about them. I just realized I never even asked, at least I don’t remember if I did, but yeah never checked if there was people that did want them. So here my ask now, y’all want monthly updates again?


I would love monthly updates 


I was just wondering, do you plan on ever continuing or remaking something strange? The rwby x evolve story 


Remake honestly, I wrote it such a long time ago and it is no where near what I want it to be. Whenever I do get around to redoing it won’t be for a very long time. I’m barely working on my other story, and I want to finish that one before I remake something strange. 


Hey man, just checking in on ya. How you holding up? Better I hope.


@HoloCircus glad to hear that. I have never forgotten about my fans here on Wattpad. I’ve been busy with work and twitch, but I always check Wattpad to see if anyone pops in. 


@HoloCircus I feel ya, and I'm doing alright as well, and don't worry about rushing the next chapter, take your time. 


Howdy, I’m alive, doing good. I haven’t forgotten about my story, just sadly been too busy to write or have the energy to come up with anything. How about yourself?


(Skips to second paragraph for important question.)
          Two announcements in 1 month? Crazy I know, things are a bit better, spent the last several consecutive hours fixing life issues and things are steadily getting better. Don’t want to jinx it but we’ll see.
          It’s been a while since I’ve asked this question, but what do you guys want to see in terms of chapter volume? Last time I asked was like 5 years ago, the majority was keep making 10k word chapters, so I’ll ask again to see if you guys still want that. Shorter chapters that are more frequent, or longer chapters that take more time? Let me know, I’ll be checking to see and will tally up the dms and responses. 
          Much love, take care and talk soon everyone.


Exactly same here


@BingerOfBooks honestly it doesn't matter what we think. It's up to you to decide on what you do. Do you prefer the longer chapters that take longer to release? Or shorter chapters that you can get out faster? It's up to you, and I will not complain either way.


Hey guys, here to give everyone life updates. I haven’t even written a single word besides the title. My mental health has been awful, I’m in a ruff situation both physically and financially once again. So, the fnia story won’t be worked on for a while, I can’t say how long because I have no idea, but I will finish these stories someday in the future. 
          I’m very appreciative of all of you, seeing your responses, likes, and joy for my stories makes me so happy. This is why i became a content creator in the first place. Thank you all for reading, talk soon, be safe, and take care❤️.


Take care of yourself man its important don’t push too hard cant wait to see what’s next