
Question for y'all... do you guys want some of the team up missions included into my mha stories? If so, then please name the ones you want included and I'll try to add them. Also nearly done with a Bonked chapter.


@DeagonsRise I mean... I was kinda planning that already for Groviinggul, but I meant the mha series 'team up mission' cuz there are a couple of good ideas in there, while others I dont really see myself doing some of them like the one doing a fashion show during Bakugous internship with best jeanist. But I do see myself doing Eri's apple party for all of my mha fics


@Bios_Lacrimosa a mission with mirko and ryukyu 


Question for y'all... do you guys want some of the team up missions included into my mha stories? If so, then please name the ones you want included and I'll try to add them. Also nearly done with a Bonked chapter.


@DeagonsRise I mean... I was kinda planning that already for Groviinggul, but I meant the mha series 'team up mission' cuz there are a couple of good ideas in there, while others I dont really see myself doing some of them like the one doing a fashion show during Bakugous internship with best jeanist. But I do see myself doing Eri's apple party for all of my mha fics


@Bios_Lacrimosa a mission with mirko and ryukyu 


Just finished watching Interstellar, and my inner geek has come out and it won't stop grinning. Idk why but even though I don't really understand sciency stuff, I LOVE it, especially when it makes sense and could actually be feasible in the distant future. I also happen to like being reminded of the horrors of space travel, where you could be some where else, like another Galaxy and the people back home will have aged faster than you did all because of gravity, which thinking about it now... I definitely underestimated it thinking all it did was make things heavier or to make things orbit each other, AND ITS FASCINATING!!! I LOVE SCIENCE, but sadly I'm not really able to understand the equations or how to solve the simple ones, it's to confusing and time consuming for me.


I got a question for y'all who read my 'first' story Dpas, should I at one point remake or make Omakes of how Groviinggul met everyone before UA? Cuz I feel like the chapter I posted on Christmas was a bit rushed cuz I wanted it done with... and I feel bad


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I'VE FUCKING FOUND IT!! THE BEST PICTURE I CAN FIND FOR GROVIINGGUL!! Maybe more! ...So expect a revamped Bio for him out soon, cuz god damnit it was fucking with my head on how he looks, and I still have to get used to his height... oi vey. After that I'll try to make a BIR chapter while y'all wait for Dpas to be updated... still stuck on how to write sciency stuff for mei without just being lazy and just writing "And so we get caught up in science talk until Powerloader came in"


Ok, big serious question for y'all... would a half dragon lay an egg or give birth? Like someone with a humanoid body but with draconic aspects added to them, i.e a tail, maybe horns or wings, and some scales here and there. Kinda like mirko from mha, but instead of rabbit its dragon. this is VERY important


@Bios_Lacrimosa course, I only know because I asked the same exact question.


@randomname1001 that... makes sense, thank you


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what is something sciency that Hatsune Mei say? cuz Im trying to write an interaction with her but I remembered... Im fucking stupid XD and the conversation topic is Groviinggul's mask and how to improve it, so im trying to figure out some things she would suggest that might sound good on paper but dont work in action, cuz I have an idea for the one good suggestion she'll make but Idk bout the bad ones since Im to dumb to make up tech words that make sense


Welp... I just found out I could've just looked up an online version of the mha book I needed...welp Im gonna get to work on the next chapters.... and i just remembered a chapter I could've been doing for dpas while I waited for the damn book