With the end of ObjectMon, if you are curious about the original version of ObjectMon and it’s 3rd region, the Carama Region, please search up ObjectMon on Scratch! Warning though, it’s VERY old.
With the end of ObjectMon, if you are curious about the original version of ObjectMon and it’s 3rd region, the Carama Region, please search up ObjectMon on Scratch! Warning though, it’s VERY old.
ArtFight has been occupying most of the month, as well as a bigger animation for the end of the month. If you want to attack me, my user is ‘Birchboom’ (I’m currently putting my attention there)
I want to announce that The ObjectMon Dossier will be going on a temporary hiatus!
This will last a few months, hopefully ending early to mid summer if ArtFight isn’t too tiring. This is because I’ll be quite busy!
So I don’t leave you guys with nothing, here is the progression plan for this series.
- The final regional form in the Yoyle Region
-Redesigns of certain ObjectMon (I will not say why so please do not ask)
- Legendaries and Mythicals from the Yoyle Region
-The third and final region
-??? (surprise)
I may be releasing something on the side during the hiatus!
See you guys soon!