
Due to several reasons, I've decided to discontinue Together, and start working on an original work. I'm sorry about this, but I think I've really just avoided discontinuing it. It will still be up, but it will stop being updated.


Wow,  200 reads. Thank everyone, I'm still up for the Q and A if anyone wants to  do that, just ask me here and I'll answer 


@ubuhbhj Thank you so much. Also I was wondering if you would take a look at @millsleahgrace I have two stories that I am fully working on. Daughter of a God and a Witch, and The 68th Hunger Games.


@graceplays1975 I'm going to start updating a lot more soon after I finish the plot, then it's clear sailing from there. I think it'll take me two weeks to get that done, then every week I'll update, unless there's an emergency. 


@ubuhbhj When are you updating together?


Hey, I just checked how many reads my fanfic Together (finnick x reader) and I can't believe that it already has 100 veiws. Since I don't have my laptop charger yet (I really need to do that) I still won't really be able to post anything, but maybe I could do a small Q&A? Post your ideas/questions below and I'll respond as soon as I can :) 
          - Bird


Hey everyone, My laptop charger isn't working, and since I'm broke, I can't really buy a new one. You'll have to wait a while for updates on my books. Sorry. 
           I'm currently on my phone, (which I'm horrible typing with) so until I get a new charger, you guys won't  be able to get any content. 


Thank you so much for voting for my story. It means a lot!


@ubuhbhj you're making me cry, thank you so much and thank you for making me smile :)


            It takes talent to make someone smile, so I'm sad not everyone can see your talent.  
            I however did. Thank you for making me smile, you deserved the vote, 
            The person who voted on your story