
@BiscuitEB Hey you replied to my comment on the story "The Tiger's Omega".  It's cool to meet someone with the same birthday as me. I wanted to ask what year you were born in (that is if your comfortable answering)?


@AmethystUniverse1 I pretty sure that there are more fascinating things to you because you’ve already matured while I’m still a baby, I don’t really know you personally but you could be a great person so don’t be too hard on yourself. Be happy and motivated to learn new things, like an instrument or a language that can be your new thing. Also I don’t mind recommending books to each other but please bare with me since I don’t have a lot of books to recommend, but I’ll be helpful once in a while. Lastly, my preferred pronouns are also she/her. 


@BiscuitEB Yeah people always find it weird yet fascinating whenever I tell them, and I like to consider it a interesting/ unique fact about me. I'm sure your special in your own way. Probably more than me since my birthdate and time is pretty much the only cool thing I got going for me as far as I see it. Also I wanted to ask you two things I hope aren't taken the wrong way. One, would you be open to us recommending books to one another? Two, what are your preferred pronouns? Mine are she/her.


@AmethystUniverse1 what you’re so lucky I wanted to have that and be special, but I guess not. Thank you and hope you have a great senior year, and no problem.