Bishop David Oyedepo prayer phone number is not just a line whichyou can get easily, Lots of people that are desperate to get Bishop David Oyedepo direct phone number usually ended up getting scammed by those who parades them self as worker in the church. So you have to be careful of those who claim to have Bishop David Oyedepo prayer phone number as it is not something you can get easily. You have to go to the right source to get it and the church is where you can get it or you can copy out the phone from this page now.

This phone number +2348072361722 is not for direct Calling, it's only made to be WhatsApp prayer line or Direct message only, Please take note. So it's now easy to get in contact with Bishop David Oyedepo for prayer request and others solutions in your life (Jeremiah 30:17), (2 Chronicles 7:14-15), (Jeremiah 33:6) There are lots of people around the church that parades them self as workers but they are not. most of them are Scammers and if you are not careful, you might end up getting scammed by some of them that will claim they have Bishop David Oyedepo direct prayer phone number. So my best advice for you that is requesting for Bishop David Oyedepo prayer line is to go to the church to request for it as it is not something you can get easily. Lots of people do abuse staffs and so it makes it difficult for others to get it. So you have to go to the source it self to request for such. hope this helps. Every year, Omega Fire Ministries hosts thousands of national and international visitors. People travel from around the world to witness and receive from the mighty work that God is doing in the life of Bishop David Oyedepo. We welcome visitors from across the globe to stay with us and witness first-hand proof that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!
  • JoinedSeptember 24, 2020