
edited chapter one and two of Two Sides, 'cause I thought that they were better when I had edited my coursework but I don't know if they fit with the rest of the story as I haven't done much describing like I did in them, I'll try do that in some new chapters. Also added two more chapters - a HIM chapter dedicated to @MillionLaughsAMinute cause i know she prefers Him to Her and she dedicated a chapter of my favourite story of hers to me - reminds me i need to catch up on that. Happy reading xxx


edited chapter one and two of Two Sides, 'cause I thought that they were better when I had edited my coursework but I don't know if they fit with the rest of the story as I haven't done much describing like I did in them, I'll try do that in some new chapters. Also added two more chapters - a HIM chapter dedicated to @MillionLaughsAMinute cause i know she prefers Him to Her and she dedicated a chapter of my favourite story of hers to me - reminds me i need to catch up on that. Happy reading xxx


Okay, I hate these things, cause I always get a load of emails through on my phone and I get all excited and let down. I haven't posted in a while for those that read my works. So today I added two new chapters to Two Sides, neither of which are very long, but I will be adding more soon as i have finally worked out where I am sending my story. :L You may have also noticed a new story, the first page explains a bit but basically it's not a new story so to speak but a few letters really that i hope make up a story but they are just really love letters that show how amazing and hurtful love can be at the same time. And they are  bit scattered all over the place cause basically it's some thoughts of mine and a few made up bits. But i hope they make you think and if you have been through it yourself then you can relate to it maybe. I don't know i just thought and wrote. That is usually how it goes for me. I think with my fingertips as i type. I might make it link to Two Sides but it doesn't really at the mo i don't think. We'll see. Didn't mean to write this much. Sorry. :L Anyway i hope you like everything i have written so far. xxx