this message may be offensive
I don't use wattpad now but I opened it today to post this message. Kashmir...It's a really beautiful Valley in Pakistan. I can't describe the beauty of Kashmir. People go there on vacations and now...There's fucking blood everywhere. Every month a lot of children become orphan in Kashmir. Girls get raped there. People lose their siblings...Their loved ones. A picture of a little boy went viral who was sitting near his Grandfather's dead body. A few months ago, a 16 year old girl was raped at gunpoint in front of her parents. Where the fuck is UN? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE WORLD? People would have posted message, got on the streets with posters if it were Paris or London. But it's not. It's Kashmir and it's in a muslim country. One day those indian soliders will pay for what they are doing. They will burn in hell. Thank you @DeviantWriter19. After I saw your message, it..Idk..It kinda gave me the idea to post this message. M aap k sath ho. :) #IBleedWithKashmir #Kashmir
@BitchBitch477 uh I don't know what you mean by that but I'm not a witness to that situation