So I just have one question..... how does a girl that tells you to kill yourself count herself as a fan of Twenty One Pilots, Dan and Phil, Melanie Martinez and all them...? Doesn't make any sense to me since they send the exact opposite of the message she's giving.
Is there anyone that can help me right now...? I need help trying to learn how to tie a noose, how many pills to take, how much bleach to use, how many stabs to the heart.... you know the basic needs to dying
So Uhm... I might delete like all my stories except for my Brendon Urie one and some of the ones I'm making atm. Sorry.... But. I will have more out soon and hopefully keep up more with them I just cringe too much at my older ones so bye to the dan Howell fanfic and miniminter one... And teen wolf one... And the smut book I was randomly writing and my other teen wolf one I'm writing.... So like all my books nut the Brendon one literally sorry guys love u ❤️