this message may be offensive
Greetings Hello How's life? I've noticed lately that some of yall have requested updates on my stories, which i do very much appreciate because yall are still enjoying my writing after all this time. But here's the thing: I haven't written anything in over a year. Nothing that I'm proud of anyway. So, at this current moment, I won't be updating for a while. If ever again. I've honestly lost a lot of life motivation and never have time to write anything. I'm working over 40 hours a week for minimum wage at a dead-end job that I hate. My relationship is slightly shit. My parents are essentially using me as a therapist, along with other stuff. Not that any of you need to know all that. I hope you all are well. Have a great Christmas, and all the best in the new year to each of you. this is Bitchyunicorn46, signing off.. Goodnight..

@BitchyUnicorn46 i hope you come back one day… ik lots of people would be thrilled to experience your wonderful writing, just know i’ll be waiting until your ready to write you imagination into existence if you ever are ready :)