
Heyy! I posted a new story that I have been playing around with. Let me know what you think! xx.


I love tequila sunrise I can't wait for an update!


Hi Alexis! Your my favourite author on WattPad and I was wondering if you could make or update a new boom about sere fin, the sequel about Ava, Mason and Noah because yours is undoubtedly the best book ever, (not just being a kiss up). I love how you made gje guys to be a strapping 6'0 men with those smiles that could make your butter melt on your toast. You know Carly Rae Jepson? (Also Canadian) I imagine Carly as Serefina but with redder hoar that Carly's natural brownish. I would also like to know what happens to Avi and Caleb. And what happens to Emery and Fires children, you should make this am actual book! It's sooooooo amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Please continue this series's! Me and my friends (12 years of age) are obsessed with your book, reading it over and over at break and lunch times we all want you to continue! You get likes million of these a day but please update!! . Stay an Amazeballs writer! We love You!!        Love from.      The following (Lisa, Bren and me Cece!)


hey alexis.. i love ur story.. 'bout serafina n those guys.. but i wonder when will u update the sequel?? i wanna know bout noah,ava n mason.. n ofc, the other characters as well.. will u update that sequel?? just hope u will.. will be waiting for it... thnx for the amazing story.. xoxo


@ferana13 : I'm glad you enjoyed it! And thanks! Unfortunately, I have no time right now. Perhaps in the future though!