
Thank you so much for your support and amazing comments. I couldn't help but read your comments again and again. I am so glad you liked this story so very much. 
          Thank you so much for that. I hope I will not disappoint you with my second story THE TRIPLET MAFIA QUEENS.
          Stay blessed.
          Stay happy.


            Thank you so much. I feel honoured.


@shiningelsa13 it's really very beautiful.. I'm reading it again :)
            It's really awesome novel:-D^_^


Thank you for reading, liking and adding my story to your reading list.
          Stay blessed.
          Stay happy.


you are most welcome, dear.


@shiningelsa13 thanks
            Well the novel is quite amazing.. I just started reading... And it's so good
            I also wanna thanked you to wrote such an amazing novel
            Keep writing like this ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

          Hey I have just started a new Indian love story. Hope you enjoy reading it. ❤.


@BlushyPriti okkk  I'll  definatly read it  thanks for update 


@BittuGolu next chapter updated


@Anonymoussks can i ask you a favour?? U don't  write any epilogue  or bonus chapter like what happens with their baby like .. what are they having a boy or a girl.. what happen in their life after having a baby.. and same goes to Matt and Emily's too.. 
          So if possible can u please write an epilogue :)
          But if this is possible with you not like that you've  to do that.. 
          Above all best of luck with your exams  hopefully you're  doing well.. I've  my exams coming too.. in 20th .. so I've  too study ... however best of luck☺☺☺☺☺


@Anonymoussks awww.. that's  so sweet of you.. if you are really present  right in front of me i also  hugged you back .. firstly for you sweet gesture and secondly for believing  that you are truly human and human like you with such kind of this emotion are presented  in between 99%heartless one .. and thirdly i liked you writtings a lot 
              I really don't  know you but I'm  a girl with all emotions and i hold back so much sufferings with my self a very long time .. you know it's  the 2nd novel that relaxed me so much after Designed to be together your novel relaxes  me so well ... but honestly I've really very lucky to joined in wattpad to have author's like you guys .. the entire time i read 200 types of novels and only 28 or 30 touched me soo much but there are also some specials like Designed  to be together  and this one Arrange  to love .. really this two are something.. i think you two guys meet and talk and write a masterpiece ( don't  get it personally I'm  kidding ..actually this two are the best one I've  ever ever read) I'm  still reading it  
          I also dunno have such a big emoji of how thankful I'm ... it makes me mentlly strong and unlike you your novel motivated me a lot.. so i also thanking you to be such an nice author
          And if you are truly presented in front of me maybe u would sleep of my blabbering 
          And once again you really rock.. keep writting and all the best 


@Anonymoussks At first  I'm  not enjoying your story... I'm  simply in live with your story. Actually to fulfill your notification section is not my fault it's  completely  yours to write such a beautiful yet down to earth story.. in just some simple language you just creat a magic world...  whenever i read Arrange to love you i can't  hold back my self..  here one can find every emotions.. every pain .. if you hold back any pain for so long deep inside your heart you just read this one and your heart mealt in just one go... i can't  hold back myself from crying.. and if you wanna feel the beautiful feelings of love how it blooms how it affect two human its  the right novel.. i don't  know in no second i laugh .. i cried and i blushed tooo... 
          You're  so good.. and  ofcourse the novel is breath taking.. the love the understanding between Xavier and Ariana.. is the best.. the friendship between max matt emily .. the naughtiness between them .. sara and max's craziness is.. i dunno how to explain in words... its beautiful .Sometimes we really need this type of books where unknowingly our reality matched... i do believe romance stories in wattpad.The sacrifice and the pains of Xavier is ... i don't  know how to confess but if he is in front of me i just hugged him and patted his back and saluted him to be this kind of strong to face every tear with his beautiful smile and the end of the day he got his real smile which is his innocent wife Ariana.And as for Ariana she's really a tough lady to be this kind of strong to bear the pain of her miscarriage but still she's  happily moved with him ... after all those cold behaviour of Xavier she keeps loving him.. sometimes one can not be so strong to hold such amount of pain but still keep loving
          I don't  know what else to say but .. last but not least you are awesome in your writting.. I've  read so many novel u can check on my reading list but as for emotions this is the best.