
I kinda stopped posting once school started oops.


Tomorrow is my FIRST day of SCHOOL and I CANNOT sleep. I need to wake up at 4AM which is FIVE and A HALF hours away. I'm also getting a HEADACHE because I have CHRONIC MIGRAINE. This is NOT fun.
          *Distressed noises*


At Lowe's today, I only saw roughly eight (8) people wearing their masks, three (3) of which had their masks under their noses. NEITHER of my parents wore their masks because, "tHeY'rE nOt mAnDatOrY aT LoWE's"
          *Aggravated gay noises*


I changed my username from JayIsVeryGay to Bizziny ÙwÚ
          People always pronounce it wrong, so~
          •Bizziny is pronounced kinda like Disney but a bit different.
          •The, "Bizz" part is pronounced like the, "dizz" in "dizzy" but with a B instead of a D.
          •The "iny" is pronounced like, "in-E."
          •It's 3 syllables, not 2.


Also, I got my schedule for school today and I made it into Advanced English! But that also means I have to do Intro To Algebra, even though I suck at math.
          I'm also doing Intro To Spanish first semester so that'll be fun. Language is definitely my forte.


My parents think I'm asleep and they're watching something about the government or something in the living room and I just heard my father angerly say "wElL mAYbE iF yOu wOuLd sTOp dOinG cRimE AnD mURdeRiNg pEoPLe aNd dOinG DrUGs, pEoPLe wOuLD sEe bLAck pEOpLe diFfEReNtLy!!!"
          He also got mad at me for signing petitions and stuff.
          Anyways, how's your life been?


How have you all been doing?


@JayIsVeryGay being gay asf as per usual, hbu?