
@exsighded update 


please update. Im a writter and I know what itz like to lose faith in a story...But I also am a reader and know what it feels like when an author doesn't update. You never know what story means to a person who's reading it....They could be shy or upset or just scared to say something about it so they never do but secretly they love it and just cant wait for a update cause of how attached and how addicted they are to story....It might be that one.bright spot in their life. anyways....I love your story I think its amazing and honestly I wish more people were able ti write amazing (Y/N) stories


Sorry for the no update :/ last week Zayn left 1D & that had me devastated for a while. I'm still upset about it & all the drama that comes along with it. & this week I got this really bad cold where my throat hurts & I can't even speak correctly. I coughed so much that my head hurts as well but you guys know I usually write at night & I guess this cold is making me fall asleep every time I try to & plus I have to sleep early so it can wear off :/ sorry I'll try to write tonight thoo. I'll make it long so you won't have to wait.