
...I am a day late, but happy birthday Bakugo!!


Good morning/eve/night<33
          For God so Love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have Everlasting life.
          (John 3:16)
          He died for you, remember that Good works never lead you to God but God leads you to good works which is basically talk about the salvation.. salvation that only on the hand of Jesus and you don't need to work for it, to pay for it because its all free! All you have to do is to believe.
          If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe with all your heart that God raised him from Dead you will be save.
          (Romans 10:9)
          Jesus said unto him, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me."
          (John 14:6)
          We are already SAVED but we still have to confess that Jesus is Lord and walk not by our feet but to surrender to him and let him walk with us. You are special because his blood, the blood of Christ paid all of your sin and unrighteousness.
          He Saved us.
          And that is what the gospel.
          He Love You so I do.
          Please have a sweet day.


Okay, so our favorite angry pomeranian's birthday is in a month, do you guys have any opinions on what should I do for our (soon-to-be) birthday boy?


@YuaHinata :0 Thanks, I really am not that creative ^3^


@BakudekuShipper_1602 yes they should go for a date or dinner then like cuddle and watch movies at the end just and idea


Oooh, nice ideas :D, but I am more of a fluff writer than a smut writer, is that okay?


Hello! Thank you for the follow! :D But out of curiosity may I ask why you did? =3


@BakudekuShipper_1602 Oh wow that’s so nice thank you! And thank you also for looking up what that band of expensive ice was LOL


@GhostninjaX Also, your work is spot on! I really enjoyed them!


          I have exams this week, so I am taking a break from a 'Change of Heart'!
          However, I am also working on a one-shot BakuDeku story, so keep an eye out for that soon!