This story is of a young man. A second year in highschool, average grades, girlfriend, friends. He's kinda weird likes to have fun and does weird things just for the hell of it. He has a slew of disorders though, these disorders are due to his past. When he was a young child his mother's ex got angry and murdered the boy's sister, he was sent through a foster system then went to live with his father and was abused and neglected for 6 years by his step-mother. He made it back home and was picked on/beaten up for two years. And these were the causes of his disorders a few are hereditary, but the rest aren't. This boy's name is, Mordecai. He gets caught up in a war that isn't human and one of his disorders (schizophrenia) is what drags him into it. Ho+w do+ yo+u all think o+f this?