
Hello anyone who's still following me and active! :) 
          	Just wanted to say that I'm deleting all my fanfictions on both here and Quotev. Original works will still be here, but that's it.
          	I use this site sparingly and cross-posting on 4 sites is just too tedious for me to bother w/. AO3 & FF.Net will still house my fanfics. A few of my really shitty fics (mostly reader-inserts and ideas that didn't get anywhere and should've been left as an WIP instead of being posted) will just be perm-deleted across the board. Sorry to like, the folks who liked those; but I just need to clean up my page.
          	I just cringe a lil too much when I look or think about them so... Also I have so many unfinished stuff, I kinda wanna balance that number a little.
          	I think I've gotten to a point (and become old enough, God I'm 21 now,,,,) to where I don't care about the views and comments on my things here. :) 14 year old me would be screaming and crying rn tho. haha


@BlackDevilWhiteDemon you're very welcome! :) wish you the best!


@LeSenpai Ty for understanding! ^^
          	  I actually recognize your UN + pfp combo since I was combing through comments before deleting stuff. Thanks for the kind comments you left! ^^


aww understandable 


Hello anyone who's still following me and active! :) 
          Just wanted to say that I'm deleting all my fanfictions on both here and Quotev. Original works will still be here, but that's it.
          I use this site sparingly and cross-posting on 4 sites is just too tedious for me to bother w/. AO3 & FF.Net will still house my fanfics. A few of my really shitty fics (mostly reader-inserts and ideas that didn't get anywhere and should've been left as an WIP instead of being posted) will just be perm-deleted across the board. Sorry to like, the folks who liked those; but I just need to clean up my page.
          I just cringe a lil too much when I look or think about them so... Also I have so many unfinished stuff, I kinda wanna balance that number a little.
          I think I've gotten to a point (and become old enough, God I'm 21 now,,,,) to where I don't care about the views and comments on my things here. :) 14 year old me would be screaming and crying rn tho. haha


@BlackDevilWhiteDemon you're very welcome! :) wish you the best!


@LeSenpai Ty for understanding! ^^
            I actually recognize your UN + pfp combo since I was combing through comments before deleting stuff. Thanks for the kind comments you left! ^^


aww understandable 


do you plan on updating wendigo of gravity falls?


@WillKramer Omg, sorry for the late reply. I've been quite busy w/ irl stuff. Came back to this site w/ 200+ notifications and ngl; I'm shook.
            A part of me wants to, but at this point I just have to tell myself it's basically dead. I can barely write for new stories I am interested in, I doubt I'll be able to come back to old ones.
            However, since I will be moving to my brother's place in a few months' time. Maybe I will start being productive w/ writing once I'm in a new environment. So maybe I'll come back to it.
            But now for I'll say no bc I don't wanna get any hopes up.


Hey there idea crossover for you and I hope that you like it 
          Genshin Impact and My Hero Academia
          The 3 Musketeers, Izuku Midiroya Shouto Torodoki and Bakugou Katsuki entered the world of Genshin Impact where they meet the Traveler Lumine and her Paimon. How will affect this world in Teyvat,
          Romance pairings include 
          Genshin Impact and Fullmetal Alchemist 
          During the events of the Conquest of Shamballa Edward and Alphonse Elric managed to use Gate the close it during that Elric brothers entered a another world where people use magic elements known as visions and the where gods presides on each nations.
          What life awaits the Elric brothers in Teyvat.
          Romance pairings include 
          So what is your thoughts and opinion of 
          My Hero Academia/Genshin Impact 
          Fullmetal Alchemist/Genshin Impact 


@dcraus123 Sorry, have I met you before? You seem familiar but I 'm not sure if I've met you per se.
            Those are some ambitious crossovers, that's for sure. 
            The BNHA and Genshin one would be interesting for sure, since it would be rather obvious the trio got some weird powers,,, Like, I guess you could pretend Midiroya is just really strong, Bakugou could pretend to have a pryo vision, and Torodoki w/ a cryo one, and blah blah. Ah, but with the Traveler & Paimon it would be a troupe of outlanders. Nice.
            The FMA one would be very,,,,like, Albedo will notice something is off, tell Kaeya and the sus ppl of Mondstadt will be doing the big investigation. 
            Sorry this isn't much. I'm just don't sure what to say??? It's a lot. lol


Guess what bitches!!! I finally forced myself to revamp the entirely of The Wendigo of Gravity Falls. It's all done,,,it got hella plastic surgery tho.
          To those who don't remember what The Wendigo of Gravity Falls is, it's a Male Wendigo Reader x Older Dipper story,,, I was a weird 13 year old for writing this...
          Okay, I rewrote it. Can I die now please?


@AyaneMiharu I've just been vibing. I'm doing pretty good. My creative burnout left so I've been slamming my hands on the keyboard. :)


@BlackDevilWhiteDemon phew it’s been tough and busy, but I’m doing okay-ish. How about you? 


@AyaneMiharu *shivers* The memories. 
            Also, how you been gurl? It's been a hella long time. How's quarantine been treating ya?


My birthday was on the 24th! I hanged with some friends at the mall and we went over DnD rules. I'm the DM, oh boy... 
          I'm 19 now! And wow...I've done nothing of note while being 18. Guess I should keep that statement going for this year as well! 
          (Still look like a 15 year old btw...)


Oof, that sounds like chaos. I only rolled my character and did a 'prologue' session with my bro as the DM and two of his friends playing.  Then he moved away, so we never continued. That was like, 3 years ago? 
            My friends all unanimously just said 'Well, you have *some* experience so you need to be the DM.'
            My brother's been throwing a lot of resources at me (he finished a campaign with his new friends and just started another one) and now I'm a little nervous. Lol
            Thanks for the heads up!


@BlackDevilWhiteDemon just a fair warning. DnD can get pretty crazy, especially with a good campaign. I myself have a campaign going with my husband, who's the DM and a couple of his friends. The characters I made for the campaign are a High Elf Monk and a Draconic Dragonborn High Elf Hybrid, with silver dragon ancestry. My husband allowed my Dragonborn since we already have a Druid to the campaign and didn't want to deal with a silly polymorph competition lol


It's 4/13! Happy birthday Homestuck! And John. 
          You're now 10 years old. You're in 4th grade now! And you've been dead for 3 years. Ah geezer,,,


I nearly forgot to draw fanart to be honest, so I feel that. 
            I have 2 Homestuck T-shirt and I wore neither of them that day,,, How did I forget to do that?
            You have a Terezi hoodie??! Lucky duck. )X


Oh God, I'm turning into an adult in 3 months.
          Someone end me.


@Archergirl1 I know!!! *loud shrieking* I don't know how to cope!!!! My years are catching up to me.