HAPPY FRICKIN NEW YEAR By some mysterious circumstance, I'm not dead! Yay! The fanfic I wish to share right now is unfortunately not the one I talked about 1 and a half years ago. I might get back to that but I have not visited the Youtuber fandom in a while :| Sorry about that, but I'm taking it slow with stuff that I can get the motivation to write. I thought I could finish this little short story / fanfic I had this weekend but I procrastinated so you get an excerpt of the prologue. I'll provide a bit more info in the prologue too. It would be kind of a wonder if any of you are still here, and a good one at that. These times have been harrowing, but I do hope for better days for everyone. Happy new year folks :)

Okay... Technical difficulties happened. That prologue's gotta wait til next week too. Bummer. On the plus side, I can make it a neat little poem or something instead of just a short snippet of the beginning of the story like it originally was going to be. So that's cool!