Hello everyone, I might have some explaining to do ...
I have been away for some time, my dear followers and friends, due to a little thing called "writers block". But good news : I have overcome it ! I finally know how to continue the series in a comfortable (and hopefully fun) way.
Soooo there are going to be some big changes to my latest work : Under the Sakura Trees :
1) The title and the plot will be changed. The new title I will be "The Somnium Servers"
2) Thanks to the plot change, Chapter 8 will be removed from the book. No worries, I wont touch the rest ... hopefully :) Plus, you will get a completely NEW chapter to look forward to releasing this week !
3) Due to a little something called life I didn't have motivation nor time to write anymore and while the former I have plenty of, the latter I unfortunately have not ... yet. So I would like to ask for patience, but I am planning to release at least a chapter bi weekly (and from mid September hopefully a little more)
Thats all from me folks ! Thanks for reading my work and I hope you will enjoy the new Somnium Servers !