
Getting back into writing and working on a wlw story rn. Excited to have a couple chapters done so I can finally release it. Scared I’m trying to rush it though. I’ll make a promise to myself that I will not rush this and make it as detailed and long as possible and that it will be good and people will want to read it. Telling myself this keeps my mind at ease lol. 


Getting back into writing and working on a wlw story rn. Excited to have a couple chapters done so I can finally release it. Scared I’m trying to rush it though. I’ll make a promise to myself that I will not rush this and make it as detailed and long as possible and that it will be good and people will want to read it. Telling myself this keeps my mind at ease lol. 


My book “Sex” has been removed due to it violating community guidelines so they have removed it. Unfortunately I couldn’t save it in time to reupload it again. Thank you for the support on the book as I have never gotten a book to get that much reads before. Your love and support was very much appreciated!


Sorry that I take forever to upload new chapters. Currently I’m trying to see if “Sex” violates the guidelines or not after hearing about the whole Naver buying wattpad and wattpad deleting books. The book in particular doesn’t really have a plot and can be considered as a bunch of one shots which are against their guidelines and is basically porn(lol). So I’m seeing what I can do rn to like not make this book get deleted since so many like it. If I can’t do anything I suggest to enjoy it while it’s still here.


Hey love! I commented on your book and was responding to a comment that I personally thought was rude. I haven’t actually read your book as of yet but found it through my news feed and happened to stumble upon the comment. I’m sorry if it was completely uncalled for and it totally wasn’t any of my business but I wasn’t having any of her bull today :) 
          I will definitely be reading your book soon though <3


Dead ass. Like do these people not understand the power of an author ?? And yeah lmao, I realised after that it wasn’t a recent comment 


Yes I saw your comment and I thank you. When I got their comment it put me off guard. I would think ppl would know that this is only fantasies and it won’t be 100% accurate. I could make them fly if I wanted lol. But yeah thank you don’t worry I could care less about that comment now.