We have defeated Sio soldiers. Thank you for letting me be your commander. This marks the second person we have defeated. If anyone else wants to challenge me do it.
@BlackHole7913 alright
1:they only have u up there if u upload like every single day sometimes they keep u up there even if u don't upload everyday
2:good job man for being number 2 i mean trouble with love is one b/c well u know
Okay so for those who've read my book it is done now but after rereading it I realise it is a horrible end so I am deciding to continue it until I can reach a satisfying end.
Okay hiatus is done now my exams are finished and I got my results I’ll be posting in a few hours so bye
For those of you who are interested my results are:
Maths: 94/100
Science: 96/100
Drama: 90/100
Art: 98/100
PE: 62/100
Humanities: 97/100
English: 100/100
Okay I need to apologise but I will be taking another break because I got exams for this week so I will be back to writing on Friday.
Again very sorry but it can’t be helped so bye bye.