
been a while since I read your book, I must say I've missed it. your writing and mind work is simply beyond my imagination. the way you use your words is truly remarkable, I remember being here and reading your book broken shackles when it's first few chapters were being published. your come a long way, I hope you're doing okay and not overworking yourself. take care, drink water, eat well, and don't do something you don't want to. ily and your books. 
          :) <3


nice to hear that love!! take care and enjoy your vacation!


@nixbii Thank you for your concern and support. I'm doing good. It's always refreshing and joyful to hear from all of you.
            I just feel I don't have enough time to write everything my brain comes up with tbh ;). I'm not overworking myself, don't worry. I just tamed my laziness in pursuit of something better, that's it. 
            It's been a long and learning journey for me and I'm glad to hear you like my story and are my earlier readers! The coming months will be full of chapters from my side, ;). 
            I will be on vacation, just 1 more week of work and I'll be free for some time. I appreciate your regard for my health. Have a great day and weekend. 


Please finish broken shackles it’s so good. And honestly I don’t blame you for getting upset. I would to if I spent so much time and energy writing the stores and ask for feedback and no one does. I honestly never comment on people pages or about their stores but I really enjoy this story. I hope you continue to write it but I understand if you don’t. 


Broken shakes Has been one of my good reeding one can you try to post faster rather we have to waiting for almost 1month try to post less time gap it is good to reed your stores they are good 


@16Q_3B8PDEVENDERNAID like in Wattpad? I don't know how to do it.


            Why dont you add texttospeech also to you stroes 


@16Q_3B8PDEVENDERNAID I am delighted to hear you like Broken Shackles, my friend. I have exams going on and they end by 31st. The current Update Schedule is a new one and I plan to return to old Update Schedule after exams, which is up for a Poll.
            You can read the next 2 chaps now and vote in the Poll now on my Patron page if you are interested. How to access it is in every chap.
            So you can expect more updates in June :) 
            Hope you have a great day.
            Black Infinity 1289,
            Ja Ne.