
Awww my fan base is getting bigger & bigger everyday! I'm touched *Emotionally wipes eyes with satin tissue & continues stuffing my face with milk chocolate raisins whilst watching Merlin* :D I love you people!!


Hey guys...
          So I know I've been away for ages and haven't uploaded OR popped up in a while and I'm sorry but as some of you are aware for the past couple of months I have been generally unwell and was recently admitted to hospital for further testing and treatment and can I just say a HUGE ThankYou to all those of you who have wished me a fast and happy recovery I really appreciate it. Anyway now that I'm back I would just like to let you guys know that I will no longer appear on Wattpad as often due to personal reasons as well as the fact that school starts next week and I will be working my arse off towards my University Application therefor I can basically say goodbye to my so called social life but I will still try and pop up as often as I possibly can. 
          Yours Sincerely
          You know who! 