
Okay so I need to do a self edit on Vantablack and possibly another run through with Death & Dreams. Then i will be able to write chapters of Death's Wolf (book two of Death series) and try to upload at least 3-5 chapters for you guys to read. Then after that it will be once a week. So glad that with Inkitt I can set it up the times and Inkitt will post it for me, time and life saver. Anyways back to the book i will try my best to have the self edit done by the end of the month and hopefully post the first handful of chapters by 4th of July week....maybe by the end of that week but there will be something for you by that week. Would have been out sooner if i didn't have to work but life sucks and we can only do what we can with what we have. So thank you for bearing with me and i hope that all of you lovelies stay safe, happy and unique.


Okay so I need to do a self edit on Vantablack and possibly another run through with Death & Dreams. Then i will be able to write chapters of Death's Wolf (book two of Death series) and try to upload at least 3-5 chapters for you guys to read. Then after that it will be once a week. So glad that with Inkitt I can set it up the times and Inkitt will post it for me, time and life saver. Anyways back to the book i will try my best to have the self edit done by the end of the month and hopefully post the first handful of chapters by 4th of July week....maybe by the end of that week but there will be something for you by that week. Would have been out sooner if i didn't have to work but life sucks and we can only do what we can with what we have. So thank you for bearing with me and i hope that all of you lovelies stay safe, happy and unique.


Hey everyone!! So i have decided to post Vantablack here but I am also on another app called Inkitt (and you guys should follow me on there too...just saying). There is way more chapters updated for Vantablack on Inkitt but starting on either July 16 or the 17 I will post on chapter a week for it. I have posted 20 chapters for the time being until then. There is about 40 chapters up on Inkitt. I believe that i have about another 10 chapters for Vantablack but we shall see when we get to the end. 
          Okay with that being said Death & Dreams is done and also on there as well if you wanted to read or reread for the ones that have already read it. I don't know if I will put Death & Dreams back on Wattpad yet, we'll see how I feel on July 16/17.
          When Vantablack is done I will leave it up for a while until I can get it ready to publish, same with Death & Dreams. I will let all of you know when I decide to do that hopefully a week or two in advance.
          That's all i got for the time being. Make sure to like, comment, and vote so i can know if you guys like the book or not. I hope everyone has a amazing week. If you are going through a rough time I am truly sorry for that and keep your head up and hope in your heart. Things have to get worse before they can get better. Read to find a escape from reality for a little while. Stay Safe everyone


Hello my darlings, How have all of you been? 
          Okay done to business, I am close to being done with Vantablack but I don't know if I want to continue putting my work here. I have another account on a app/website called Inkitt. My name on the account is the same and both of my works are on there.
          I am torn on whether to just focus on Inkitt and possibly take this account down or should I put my books back on here? Because the whole having to pay for coins to read is not it in my opinion. 
          But I started here with all of you and I don't want to keep leaving you all here all alone so if you want leave a comment and tell me what you think or hop over to inkitt and follow me there. The Choice is yours. I love all of you and will be back in a week to see what's going on.


Hi, I was just sorting through my followees when I came across your profile. I don't mean to spam, but I saw some of the works in your reading list, and I've got a recommendation I'm super excited about rn that I think you'll enjoy:
          "Lakeside Vampirical" is about Talia, a girl with hyper-potent VanHelsing blood, but uniquely no ability to practice magic and defend herself. She has spent her life both in hiding from and under the protection of a charming but domineering Pureblood Vampire who swore to one day make her his "blood slave." What happens when he finally comes for her, and when her heart struggles to decide between him and another?


Hi everyone!!!!
          The Dark Queen is back (aka me)!!!
          So I just want to think everyone for being patient with me. Things have been rough and I know that a lot of you can relate. Anyways Vantablack will have its next chapter by Halloween but the latest will be the week after Halloween.
          I'm going to try to finish writing Vantablack by no later than December. Once the entire story is done I'm going to go into the process of FULLY EDITING both Vantablack and Death & Dreams. If you guys know any good editors message them to me or leave a comment. once both are edited then I'm going to go into the process of publishing them. I really want to publish them both by the end of next year but it may be sooner, we shall see. I'll keep yall updated with all that.
          And I have TWO different stories that I want to share with you guys. Obviously one of them is the next book of Death & Dreams. This book will be book 2 for the series remember Vantablack isn't part of the series it's just to explain how I see werewolves and their laws and blah. Characters from Vantablack will be mentioned in the new book though. Okay, now the second idea is something very new to me and will not be attached or mentioned in any of the books. I'll tell you guys more once Vantablack is done.
          Okay, my darlings that's enough for now. Be safe everyone


Guys I've hit a really huge wall with all the books that  writing or thinking about writing. And to be honest I lost the motivation to write so I'm going to MIA for a little while and see if I can get it back or find a new motivation.
          I've been going through something things and need to get them sorted out as well. I hate to do this but I don't want to give y'all typical same old boring werewolf chapters in Vantablack. So I figured this would be best for both me and the book. I hope you all understand, please don't hate me. Well that's it hope to see y'all soon. Stay safe out there darlings