
Hi! It's been about a year but I've finally returned! I'm sorry I haven't been updating my story lately. Last year I lost access to my google account that I use to sign in on here and I just recently got that account back. I'm sorry if I worried anyone for my absence!
          	As of now I will try to get the rewritten chapters of "The Mute Warrior" done and put on here as soon as possible. I'm sorry for the long wait and I hope you all forgive me! >~<
          	As always, I hope you all have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night!


Hi! It's been about a year but I've finally returned! I'm sorry I haven't been updating my story lately. Last year I lost access to my google account that I use to sign in on here and I just recently got that account back. I'm sorry if I worried anyone for my absence!
          As of now I will try to get the rewritten chapters of "The Mute Warrior" done and put on here as soon as possible. I'm sorry for the long wait and I hope you all forgive me! >~<
          As always, I hope you all have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night!


I haven't posted on here in forever XD
          So, my stories are on a bit of  hiatus at the moment due to school giving me way too many assignments in one class.
          I might be able to finally work more on my stories during winter break, so expect some updates by around that time.


          *Looks at all of the notebooks in my filing-cabinet-thingy, my computer, and my phone*
          *Looks at all of the stories I've published but haven't finished both on and off this account*
          *Looks at all of the story ideas in my mind*


            /1) :')
            /2) ^-^;
            /4) o.o
            /5) O.O;;


this message may be offensive
So here I am, sitting in my room and writing a draft for a story idea that's been stuck in my head for quite some time now.
          That was about a week ago. I let my father read the first part of the draft and he's like;
          "Can't wait for the rest!"
          So, I just finished the rest of the draft for the day and showed it to him again and left the room because he was peeling the potatoes at the time for dinner.
          Not even an hour later, I am called into the living room and I sit down next to him. Not even a moment after, he holds up the notebook and says,
          "What the actual fuck?!" While laughing.
          Let's just say that I'm currently laughing my butt of as he's kinda-kinda-not complaining about being in one place and the sudden cliffhangers and stuff like that.


Hello everyone! I know I said I was going to update in the middle of Spring Break (and I was going to!), but I Didn't have enough freetime with helping my parents clean the house and go shopping almost every day that week, along with my chores.
          Now, since I'm FINALLY almost done with the restaurant project, I can finally stress-free start working on my other chapters and routes.


Hello everyone. I'm sorry for the delay in the time for publishing chapters, but I have an explanation. I just recently had surgery on my left knee for my ACL and Miniscus, but they were only able to fix the ACL. Because of the pain my knee is going through, it's disgracting my train of thoughts from updating my chapters. Again, I'm very sorry. Thank you.