Hey you guys. So I know I haven't been on for a while, and I don't have many excuses for the long amount of time, but I do have one for more recent days.
My beautiful island was just struck by hurricane Maria. Yes, Puerto Rico, that beautiful island. We're almost in ruins, and facing 4-6 months without power, no water for a while either.
I'm fine, my family is all fine (from those I know of) and my house is fine. Not many of you will read this, and I doubt any of you will care much, since it's not a habit for me to form friendships with my followers. None that last anyway. I just thought it was something you might want to know about since I won't be on for a long time.
I only ask one thing of you: prayers and good wishes (okay two things). Those of you able to donate to a foundation to help us out (like those Monica Puig and Lin-Manuel Miranda, among others, are endorsing on twitter), it would be greatly appreciated by everyone, but it's not necesary. Your prayers and good wishes will more than do.
So, blessings to you all lucky pups. I love you!!! Remember to be thankful for what you have, and what you've been blessed enough to not have gotten (like a hurricane). Enjoy your your air conditioning and your refrigerator and your internet and your normal everyday life. You don't know when it could all be ripped away from you.
Hope you have a good day!