
Hello! I was wondering if you could quickly take a second to look through my blog page, Greasy Jericho,  and read my two poems! I'll probably post them on here anyway but yeah. 


Word of the day- Florilegium 
          Noun [ flawr-uh-lee-jee-um] 
          1.collection of literary pieces; anthology
          Dusting the box with her dry palms she opened the torn lid to reveal masses upon masses of worn words written by the Italian genius himself and as she cautiously held the  ancient Florilegium in her hands she asserted "Burn it, destroy it, do what you will but it must be eradicated 'fore he finds it". 


Word Of The Day!!- Somnolent
          Adjective / SAHM-nu-lunt
          1 : of a kind likely to induce sleep
          2 a :Inclined to or heavy with sleep
          b : sleepy
          The curious child was fixated as he intently stared at the somnolent feline stumbling across the lush carpet and contently situating itself near the warm fireplace.