
@Whitestar5701 Our school adopted that whack *expletive* Core thing, too, and so far it's the same in my school, everyone's confused as butt and nobody really understands anything anymore. I only have six days left, though, so yay! But I have to get blood taken tomorrow and it's gonna be horrible because I'm missing the entire beginning few hours of school on a Friday which means I'll have a bunch of stuff to make up and tests to take and BLARH. I just ranted. *facepalm* Almost summer, almost Warped Tour, and almost time to catch up on MUCH NEEDED sleep.


Well, have fun on your last few days, and I hope you were able to smoothly accomodate the blood withdrawal, as well as get through the drawing of the blood itself. I hate needles with a fiery passion. We got out of school on the.... 21st. Really, school let out on the 22nd, but eighth graders weren't required to show up on the final day, being that our graduation from middle school was the 21st and yadda yadda yadda. BUT OH LORD HEYSOOS YOU GOT TICKETS FOR WARPED? JELLEH. I'm entering contests to try to win tickets and shiz.


@Whitestar5701 Our school adopted that whack *expletive* Core thing, too, and so far it's the same in my school, everyone's confused as butt and nobody really understands anything anymore. I only have six days left, though, so yay! But I have to get blood taken tomorrow and it's gonna be horrible because I'm missing the entire beginning few hours of school on a Friday which means I'll have a bunch of stuff to make up and tests to take and BLARH. I just ranted. *facepalm* Almost summer, almost Warped Tour, and almost time to catch up on MUCH NEEDED sleep.


Well, have fun on your last few days, and I hope you were able to smoothly accomodate the blood withdrawal, as well as get through the drawing of the blood itself. I hate needles with a fiery passion. We got out of school on the.... 21st. Really, school let out on the 22nd, but eighth graders weren't required to show up on the final day, being that our graduation from middle school was the 21st and yadda yadda yadda. BUT OH LORD HEYSOOS YOU GOT TICKETS FOR WARPED? JELLEH. I'm entering contests to try to win tickets and shiz.


YOU ARE READING IT! I just saw the movie! Just wait for Insurgent... I promise you, the feels.


Waaaaaooo. I remember when we used to do that. But I don't think Oklahoma has done that in a few years. Instead, we've adopted Core Curriculum, which, since designed by the state of Oklahoma, is flipping weird. I would've been taking a reading, math, and geography test in seventh grade, but since I moved up I'm taking a reading, 8th grade pre-algebra, science, US history, and Algebra 1 EOI test. Yep, two different math tests, if I'm correct, because Algebra 1 is basically honors 8th grade math, but it's considered a high school course, and as such, the students who underwent that course must take an End of Instruction exam. We also took the writing test a while back. So yup, there's another test. TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST. TESTS EVERYWHERE. I'm freaking out right now. I envy you, bro. Envy.


We already had ours - we take them in the beginning of the year. For us, they're called the Iowa Tests, and you can't really study for them because there's nothing to study for. There are only a few grades who take them; third, fifth, and seventh I believe, but they're the same content every time we take them. Same story questions for the literature and reading comprehension portions, and the same maps and things like that in the "maps and other resources" section, just different questions as you get into the next grade, gradually becoming more complex. It's time consuming and boring, but at least we don't get any homework from our morning classes during that time of year...


THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME TOO. I feel you. I had so many important notes in that program BOTH times it blanked. Anyway, good luck with the business letter. I wrote mine to the people at the head of SBSW about how the headliners got rained out and my mom had to throw away so much stuff before she could even get in. (It was insane and my mom almost lost her top about it.) Currently, we're all cramming for state testing, which begins Thursday. With our lack of a history teacher, I'm honestly concerned I'll flunk that test. I'm a little unsettled about our science testing too, because there's material in there that we haven't had the chance to cover. Basically, I'm just all, "ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL." When's your testing window?


;A; Earlier I ate this Italian frozen lemonade thing and left the cup on the table. I just pulled some bobbypins out of my hair and went to toss them onto the table as I'd grown bored with playing with them. Where did they land?
          Out of the entire bricking table, they landed in the cup. Completely unintentionally. And it's not a good thing, there was sticky-sugar-melty-lemonade in there! :c Just not my day.


Captain's Log, 11:10 A.M. 
          Unable to reach remote. Don't know what I'm gonna do.
          11:13 A.M.: Read a little. Then stopped.
          11:13 A.M.: Got the remote with much leaning and groaning - I almost fell off the couch, nearly taking the laptop with me.
          11:15 A.M.: Meowed. Scared the cat.


Me: *is reading the Harry Potter series for the first time, just started the first book* *is in history class* *gets to a //le gasp part*
          Teacher: Okay, get out your red pens and let's start correcting!
          Okay. Seriously. Teachers must know or something. I mean, I wanna know what happened to Harry! :c Teachers must know when I'm about to pick up a book, or get to a good part because they always make me stop...
          Maybe it's from sixth grade when I would read when the teacher would stop talking...and yell at me to put the book away... It was the Twilight books. One does not simply put that down.


Okay. I just realized I have.. Like four legitimate stories. If any of you actually want me to write something, I'll take a poll! Heh... this is going to play out well.. *sarcasm*
          Anyway! I will have three slots.
          Selection one: Tough Love (It will go under a different title when I finish)
          Selection two: A fan-fiction! Yey! (Black Veil Brides)
          Selection three: Continue a.. um.. I don't know... a short story with mythical animal people. Yeah. *I don't know*
          You can only vote once.


Why? WHY. MUST YOU MAKE THIS. SO D**N HARD, MIKALOT? *grumbles to self* If I absolutely must chose... Uh.... I choose selection two. However—you know, off the records—if more people voted for Tough Love, I wouldn't mind it. BUT, my final answer is two.