
been working on a poem book, writing different poems that are related. I may publish it within the next month and keep updating


Not so "Goodbye"
          I don't believe I'll ever truly be able to write again, but I refuse to delete this profile for emotional attachment reasons. My old works will still exist, and I may update the songbook every so often. Do not expect me to actually post something of quality. I lack confidence in my ideas, so I'd rather keep them to myself. I write them and reread them only to be disappointed. You may unfollow me now, as I will just be a gray floating page on a website of luminous colors (oh wow, something somewhat creative). I don't even read other works. I'm a terrible user.
          So don't waste your time on me. I don't know when/if I'l change my mind.
          Take care and smile :)
          ~BlackWaterBrigade "Elmo"