
Let's be honest here: even if you don't like Undertale, you still like Undertale. Even if you aren't Sans trash, you're still Sans trash. Undertale might just be the worst/best thing to ever happen. Most of us can actually identity with Frisk and/or Chara. That might be a bad thing, but it also might not. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, is that I am self-proclaimed Undertale/Papyrus/Toriel/Sans trash. And there are many others who are, as well. 


Let's be honest here: even if you don't like Undertale, you still like Undertale. Even if you aren't Sans trash, you're still Sans trash. Undertale might just be the worst/best thing to ever happen. Most of us can actually identity with Frisk and/or Chara. That might be a bad thing, but it also might not. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, is that I am self-proclaimed Undertale/Papyrus/Toriel/Sans trash. And there are many others who are, as well. 


So, I know that I've been MIA for quite some time. Don't worry, I'm alive. Unless this is all a dream... Anyway, I hope those that read my fics see this too, the two fanfics that are actually being read, "Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Haven't Been Caught" and "My a Best Friends Brother", are not on hold, although most, if not all, of you think that. Trust me, I would tell you if they were on hold. School has just been hectic so far, it's my senior year so I have to prepare for college and all that fun stuff, which is why the fics haven't been updated as much as I would like. They will continue though, I can promise you that. So thank you, whoever is still holding with me and my fics. Without you; I would have no internet life either. Oh wow, that sounds sadder than I meant it to be. 
          Ta ta for now. (I had to end it with that, I mean, come on...)