Hi everyone! Boy oh boy have things been HAPPENING
So much has changed, for better and worse, in my life, and it's not fair to leave you all hanging after I "returned" last time. So I'm here to confirm: I'm leaving Wattpad. It's simply not something I'm able to keep up with right now.
If you have unfinished business with me, or there is anything I owe you, please tell me and I will do my best to finish it!! I've honestly forgotten a lot. My memory is getting worse, so please forgive me.
I wasn't getting as much traction and interaction in the last months I was here, which is honestly my main reason for posting. I want to talk to people, hear opinions, and feel seen. Call it shallow, but attention is a core human desire and I am a sucker for it. XD
I may stop by occasionally to share something, and if a project I am working on comes to fruition, it will likely be posted here!
I love you all dearly. My Wattpad journey has been incredible, and I think back on the years I spent here with much happiness. The people, the stories, the growth; it was a special period of life, and I will never forget it.