I am freaking our rn because I just had a presentation and I think I just failed and worse I had to speak so I am currently trying to stop a panick attack
I am freaking our rn because I just had a presentation and I think I just failed and worse I had to speak so I am currently trying to stop a panick attack
Blackjack likes donuts.
Blackjack wants donuts.
Blackjack will pester Percy for donuts.
Blackjack will inevitably get his donuts.
All because. . .
Blackjack wants donuts.
No prob I know how it feels my birthday really helped boost my morale before that I was all depressed t on my birthday I learned they actually care so I definitely know how it feels but again I hope you have a great time on Wattpad right now
@666ThatAnimeGurl666 I saw one of your comments in a spiderman story and then accidentally clicked on your profile and saw percy jackson too and knew I had to follow you plus I really like your percy jackson oneshots