this message may be offensive
I’m pretty sure nobody’s reading this but I like posting updates and describing what the fuck is going on in my day. Man, I’m still pretty sure nobody’s reading this. Besides, I’ve been dead for too long. Everybody probably forgot I exist, and that’s understandable. Maybe there’s someone reading this, either they stumble upon my dumbass, or one who’s like, “Hey, Blackstar(-1)isn’t dead.” I’m kinda getting back into Wattpad, specifically with “blogging.” I’ve been on Wattpad for 5 and a half years, Jesus fuck. In those five and a half years, I’ve been active for 3 and half years. The other years were just me not using Wattpad since grew out of it. I’m gonna reinstate this again but, nobody’s probably reading this. Bye. See ya in, I don’t know, a couple of hours, days...? Who knows (technically me).