
HEYA!! I wrote 2 chapters for both sequels in 2 days! Enjoyyyyy
          	:p LB <3


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          I am so sorry for the disappearance of my writing (see last announcement for context) and I feel so bad for leaving y'all on the ends of a dream for three effing years. 
          If you have any questions, lemme know :P


Hi everyone...
          I should apologize for my loooooong disappearance from my fics. I promise to get on writing Ruthless Successors and Ruthless Ascension soon enough... I really am so sorry. 
          For a brief explanation... university started and I am continuing to study. I escaped a severe abusive relationship 8 mo ago (I will not talk more about it) and only now have I been able to feel good about myself and my passion of writing.
          I really do want to continue these books and this summer I will have a resurgence of stories and better writing skills!! 
          I thank all of you for your patience and the overwhelming support you've given me (plus my art and a uni ed has improved my writing wholly)...
          Love you all
          - LB ❤️


@KiromiKiro2 Oh! Hi! Thank you for the compliment! This made my day <3


Hello everyone! 
          Firstly, I am sorry for my lack of posting or getting to work on my sequel books...Senior year, relationships, this Mfing virus and other stuff have caused me to go on this ridiculously long hiatus lol. 
          Since now that I am on my break, I should have some time to work on my sequels! Yes, you read this right...Two sequels for both endings as the Ruthless Hearts saga continues with diverging paths.
          Once again, I'm so sorry for not being active for eternity but here I am today! 


Hello! My lovely peers!
          To whom it may concern: (Meaning you, the reader and followers)
          I want to firstly say thank you and first of all, I am super happy about finishing this fic! I am truly grateful to everyone who has helped me in keeping my motivation to publish this book...This journey has been one helluva ride to do! I am proud of the effort this book I gave and this vastly improved my writing skills to a strong level! :3
          I am tearing up about this right now and want to repeat myself by sending many hugs and/or high fives to everyone here. 
          Merci! Takk skal du ha! Obrigada/obrigado! Gracias! Terima kasih! Grazie! Thank you...


Hello, my lovely readers!
          This is amazing!!! My book has just hit 100 VOTES! THANK YOU KIND STRANGERS for this! I am incredibly grateful! 
          As for finishing my book, there are only three chapters left to write and a separate concluding PSA! Lastly, I will be editing the whole book when I publish all parts!
          I am blessed and grateful as you all have made my day just a bit brighter! 


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Hello, my lovely readers!
          123, 128 so far...HOLY SHIT!
          This number is how many words are in my fic right now...(Excluding the three Unexplained Chapters, the unfinished six chapters ((One is already prewritten)) & the two PSAs) I don't know if I should be impressed or terrified...
          As for chapters 34 & 35 (Two parter), I am working on finishing them and publishing them at the same time with chapter 36 right after...(Aftermath)
          123, 128 wow...Just wow!
          HaVE a GReAt Day oR nIGht! (╯ ͡️ ͜ʖ ͡️)╯┻━┻
          i aM SHoOk



Hello, my lovely readers!
          I finished the NSFW part in Chapter 8 for all of you sinners! Lemme know if this satisfied you...It also now holds the title of the longest chapter in this fic!
          ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
          ~Mmmmm~ Sexual content!
          - Lady_Blackstars


Hello everyone, this is important to read...
          These next few chapters will be very long and super detailed, as they may or will take longer to publish than usual as editing, formatting and all of that other jazz has to be done. So I repeat, I am sorry for the spree of ridiculously long hiatuses but I will try to be more efficient to publish. 
          Enjoy the summer-ish weather...And again, I am super sorry for the random hiatuses...
          - Lady_Blackstars