
Hard Limits coming soon!!!


Should I make a Just a Little Sugar 2?  Where I put all the bonus chapters of the characters?


I would just like to thank everyone who left messages for me wondering if I was all right and if I was OK. I personally just needed a break from this app. The world was going I to a frenzy over the pandemic and college was just not making sense with the virtual learning. Plus I was working non stop. Lol.
          But I’m happy to let you all know that I am back and plan on finishing up my stories❤️❤️
          Love you all thank you!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


@BlackxRaven I'm just happy to see you I thought you died or something I had this page alway's open with edge startup to see if any changes happen and at some point I was about to say to you something along the line's of "Please....wake up" I believe it was originally more touching but I forgot about it.