I have very bad news for you... Since some days, I'm currently in a hospital under life support, it's that bad. If you're wondering what I have, here you go : heart problems, lungs problems, severe blood problems (idk how to write it because it's a difficult word to write) and that's pretty much it. I've been told that I won't be under life support in 24 hours from now on, I'm really scared and I'm afraid to die at 16 years old... My parents are crying because they don't want to lose their only child...
Even thought it's been 4 months since I'm here, that was pretty fun to interact with nice people. I'll keep my Wattpad account up just for you and I'll delete my Twitter and Discord soon. I'll be permanently inactive from now on. I had so much fun with you, but this is the end for me. I'll join my dog Chica in Heaven, she will be happy to see me...
Thank you, goodbye forever.