How are youuu?
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How are youuu?
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Bruh, I'm in a lock down at the moment, someones trying to shoot up the school. Hope everything is alright and okay.
Heyyyy Haven't talked in a while. You all good?
@OneLastKee my sisters annoying though so yeah If you were doing dumb shit then understandable I wouldn't kill your sister either. She seems hella chill tbh
@OneLastKee she knew I was doing stupid shit, and she took it. I wouldn't kill her though! XD
@OneLastKee What the fuck. I feel like she shouldn't have done that. Do you know why? Thats crazy. Id kill my sis honestly
"Hey you! Yes you... Your awesome, you know that right? You are amazing has anyone told you that, I bet they have because, that's how awesome you are. So, keep being that way don't change ya boy would hate that so yea don't okay? Yep you understand so yeah bye now! " -B
@BangtanInABox *blushes* Aw thank you.
I have very terrible news, yesterday one of my favorite actors has passed away and I am very terribly sad for how he passed. I give condolences to the family and loved one of the young boy. I hope he is at peace. Cameron Boyce May 28,1999 - July 6,2019
@Spikecolven101 *wipes tears away from your eyes and hugs you again* He would be so proud of you. I am :) ❤❤❤❤❤
I have made a new book that I think some may enjoy be free to comment on it or make little notes and tell me how you like it. Anyway see you later my dudes!
Happy pop big illegal explosives and try not to burn everyone's house down while also trying nor to get arrested Day! Basically: H͙a͙p͙p͙y͙ 4t͙h͙ o͙f͙ J͙u͙l͙y͙ ❤
Im back everyone, ya boy is back and now I'm gonna ask you all a question but not, here but in the section below for just reasons. So, yea, oh and for my Aussie I love you ❤
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