
We all know war is a living hell, but what if it came to your backyard? My new story 'Beneath the Blood' tells what it would be like if war hit home. 6 people stand up to evil and fight for the right to be free again.


Hey Blankpages here! And get ready for more story's from me. First thing is more MadCat, and were stepping back in time. "MadCat666 Awakes" takes you back In time where it all began. The next one you just have to wait to see. Keep following me: Blankpages. And remember: there not just story's


Hey Blankpages here. Please keep holding to my MadCat 666: hell house, the end of the story is coming and tonight "The Basement" will be up for all to read. Tell your friends and everyone about MadCat666 and get them to read the dark and evil with in her house. 
          **note: I need more followers, and coming soon is 2 more storys just hold on**