
Heylo there dear chap , how you doin' today hey ? Well , I would just like to inform you that if you have any ideas for " The Valentine Clown " book please don't be shy to respond back and say them . Even if it's not an idea just feedback , good feedback or bad feedback doesn't matter . It could be be about the characters , story line , anything . Thank you .


Heylo there dear chap , how you doin' today hey ? Well , I would just like to inform you that if you have any ideas for " The Valentine Clown " book please don't be shy to respond back and say them . Even if it's not an idea just feedback , good feedback or bad feedback doesn't matter . It could be be about the characters , story line , anything . Thank you .


Heylo once again . I'm really tempted to share with everyone my next chapters , and I know I said I will release them on Valentines Day but I changed my mind ;) . I'm releasing them a week early  , ( Which was technically yesterday , Saturday 7 February but whatcha gonna do ? ) . Im releasing them right after this post . Hope everyone likes them .


Quick announcement um ; I don't think I should carry on writing The Watchman Of Time . I'm just blank with ideas ; at the moment I can only focus on The Valentine Clown . In my mind I have it all set out . But The Watchman Of Time may be a bit slow , I'm not saying I'm going to delete the book I'm just saying I won't be writing in it for a long time . Sorry if this put some of u in disappointment . ( Again if u have any ideas or feedback please do inbox me )