
What's this!? I suddenly have the motivation to write?! AND the chapter is...HALFWAY DONE??? Prepare thyself, smelly individuals. This chapter has been a long time coming. Hopefully, worth the wait. And hopefully, it won't take me nearly a year for the next one.


You still posting cause the story is top tier, hate for it to not end.


@The_luckyduckling I plan to! I've been SO incredibly busy it's been difficult and I just ended up scrapping the most recent chapter to rewrite it, but I promise you it'll be done by this year. Expect a chapter to come out soon within the next few weeks.


I’m new to your story but I love the intention to detail with your story bro, very great indeed the main cast that’s in the show could show more emotions but overall the subtle change of how grades are worked is quite new and quite cool to read about so keep up the great work.


Okay I am SO sorry for not seeing this until now, but thank you, so SO much. Genuinely means a lot to me man.


Hey everyone! So, I am returning after a LONG, LOOOONG hiatus and I genuinely apologize for the wait. Hopefully, I'll be pumping out a chapter per month (since I'm pretty much rewriting the story)


@Blankedout nice, im looking forward to it


So addressing the book updates, it should be happening soon. I've hit a sudden spike in ideas and inspiration whilst actually having time. So, give me a week and it'll be published. Thanks for your patience.


Gonna shoot my shot real quick, not sure if that's the right term to use but whatever. Did you ever get the remnants of what was left of the black survival story from @BeautifulNarci ? I wanted to read it again and found it unavailable. It's ashame but whehay.


@Blankedout Ah I understand, thank you for the confirmation, and I would appreciate the @ very much. Once again thanks :)


@KMS__ROON Currently I do not, as Narc is very, very busy with home life and uni. I do promise the moment I get them to release them. I'll even @ you when given the opportunity.


I won’t stop breathing air until you admit that 5’9 is a perfectly normal and AVERAGE height. Not short, nor tall, but AVURIDGE!
          Until then, I’ll continue respirating through my skin like a normal member of society.


@oldtimerbestgirl Bussing is a word that could not even come close to the ecstasy I feel.


So, yes, I am placing Apex Hunter Volume Two in book one, just to make it easier for me. However, I am going to spend a bit of time rewriting both volume one and two to update a bit and add a few things that needed to be there that I simply forgot, didn't do, or had major oversights.