My New Year's resolution is to get off my lazy butt, or rather stay on it, and write. So that I can update. Thing is I have three new stories I have started, none yet to be postable, and all these crazy ideas, and time is evil, I get the best ideas when I'm not even half-awake or half-asleep and I for get them by the time I have a pencil in my hand. Other times I wake up in the middle of early morning, morning is evil, and I have an idea, then I fall asleep again and I can't make sense of what I wrote; how does a purple monkey swinging from a chandelier fit into any of my stories? And so I pledge to write AT LEAST ten minutes a day. Or if I can't manage ten minutes, then to stay away from my ten pound bar of inspiration chocolate; I reward myself to give me brain ideas for writing, plus chocolate.