
I will be redecorating my page.


Well f-crap. Working on my stories over summer break didn't exactly work, but one of my classes is ending two months earlier than I was expecting, so I expect that shortly thereafter, I will get bored, and I'll start updating my stories again.


          Alright, so I know I've been absent for a really long time and  haven't updated any stories in MONTHS- but I'm on summer break right now and I'm bored beyond belief- so I figured I might as well, write and prove I'm not dead.
          Now- since I've been in a properly crappy mood lately- with my girlfriend breaking up with me, I'm more than likely going to veer toward the depressive tone of writing, so don't be alarmed. Terminal is going to definitely be updated- not sure for the others.
          Also- it's thundering up a storm outside, so proper mood setting as well.


Hmm... I'm thinking about also putting the rest of my stories up on
          Hmm.. Maybe, but if so, the I'll do it tomorrow, cause my brain is kaput right now. Good night lovelies!
          P.S.  Extra Strength Tylenol doesn't seem to be working...


Well, I wouldn't call myself an IT techy person, but I did just manage to fix my laptop (after three hours of dinking around on it). So I'm happy! And I'm sick, granted the boredom is probably a factor in why I managed to fix it. Stupid Windows 8.1 upgrade- totally shorted out my everything important. NO WIFI! But all better now!
          P.S. Planning on posting something today.


My New Year's resolution is to get off my lazy butt, or rather stay on it, and write. So that I can update. Thing is I have three new stories I have started, none yet to be postable, and all these crazy ideas, and time is evil, I get the best ideas when I'm not even half-awake or half-asleep and I for get them by the time I have a pencil in my hand. Other times I wake up in the middle of early morning, morning is evil, and I have an idea, then I fall asleep again and I can't make sense of what I wrote; how does a purple monkey swinging from a chandelier fit into any of my stories? And so I pledge to write AT LEAST ten minutes a day. Or if I can't manage ten minutes, then to stay away from my ten pound bar of inspiration chocolate; I reward myself to give me brain ideas for writing, plus chocolate.