this message may be offensive
Hey, everybody! I know nobody is really on this site but this may go to your spam folder or pop up on your phone as a notification so, hello people reading this! I know, for a lot of my followers (since I know a lot of y'all IRL) high school just started. And I just wanted to check to see if you all are okay. Don't stress yourself out too much, you'll be fine. Take care of yourselves. Eat. Sleep. Have fun. Just remember this: recently, I've noticed a lot of change in people. Some people would say its "growing up" and in some cases it may be. But here this: please, try not to let society dictate how you feel like you should be. You know, the things you like and don't like, what's "lame" and what's not. Trust me, if you feel like you're pretending to be someone else and aren't as happy as you feel like you could be, its not worth it. I'm not saying to be a total rebel and hate everything that is popular, just to take a moment and reflect and see if you feel okay. Just be happy. If you're feeling down, know ALWAYS somebody out there gives a shit. And giving a shit is one of the most important things a person can do. Take care of yourselves and each other. See you in a not so distant future.