
Hey...everybody....umm, it's been a while, huh? I...I really don't know where to start with this.....but I feel the need to explain a few things to you all, and I kinda need to vent a little. (just warning you, this might be long)
          	So....for starters, the reason why I haven't been posting anything......if you all allow me to be blunt for a moment.....I feel like sh*t.
          	I have been having a very hard time recently, (not that many of my friends know because I just can't get myself to tell them), and I just can't find the motivation to least not a lot.....
          	I'm doing what I usually end up doing when I'm in my depressive periods, distract myself. I have never quite learned how to deal with emotions in a good way, both negative and positive. I've always tried to distract myself or find a quick outlet, which in terms of negative emotions is usually crying or listening to music (either happy or sad depending on how I feel), and with positive emotions, I usually end up doing either kinda normal things like singing and playing games, or weirder ones like walking around my house screaming random nonsense (though only if I'm home alone).
          	And sometimes.....I don't have anything to distract me from my depression, and when that happens I just lay in my bed and do nothing (though sometimes I cry a bit).


That's okay, i myself know that and never recovered from that, we support you !


@Blazetwin88 Hope it will get better. You are the most important person in your life, fanfictions can wait.


But one thing that I sometimes do to deal with my depression, or more accurately, the feeling of emptiness I feel, is to put myself through angst stuff about fictional characters I like. Because somehow, especially if I just recently got into that fandom, angst fanfics or videos make me feel like my stomach is in knots, but at least I feel SOMETHING. It's like an uncomfortable feeling that I like because at least it's something.
          	  Though, I've come to realize that maybe it's not healthy to chase after something that makes me feel bad just to get rid of the empty feeling. It doesn't even matter in the long run, because after just a few days, that uncomfortable feeling stops showing up, and then I'm back at square one. However, I don't know what else to do, and actually FEELING something for once feels worth it. I actually FEEL the knots in my stomach. Unlike basically every other emotion that I nowadays only know in my head. I don't actually FEEL them in my body, but my brain knows I'm feeling them and reacts aqordingly.
          	  So yeah.....I'm.....not doing too good, which is why I haven't been posting anything lately.
          	  Hope you all are having a better time than I am.
          	  Blaze out...


Hey...everybody....umm, it's been a while, huh? I...I really don't know where to start with this.....but I feel the need to explain a few things to you all, and I kinda need to vent a little. (just warning you, this might be long)
          So....for starters, the reason why I haven't been posting anything......if you all allow me to be blunt for a moment.....I feel like sh*t.
          I have been having a very hard time recently, (not that many of my friends know because I just can't get myself to tell them), and I just can't find the motivation to least not a lot.....
          I'm doing what I usually end up doing when I'm in my depressive periods, distract myself. I have never quite learned how to deal with emotions in a good way, both negative and positive. I've always tried to distract myself or find a quick outlet, which in terms of negative emotions is usually crying or listening to music (either happy or sad depending on how I feel), and with positive emotions, I usually end up doing either kinda normal things like singing and playing games, or weirder ones like walking around my house screaming random nonsense (though only if I'm home alone).
          And sometimes.....I don't have anything to distract me from my depression, and when that happens I just lay in my bed and do nothing (though sometimes I cry a bit).


That's okay, i myself know that and never recovered from that, we support you !


@Blazetwin88 Hope it will get better. You are the most important person in your life, fanfictions can wait.


But one thing that I sometimes do to deal with my depression, or more accurately, the feeling of emptiness I feel, is to put myself through angst stuff about fictional characters I like. Because somehow, especially if I just recently got into that fandom, angst fanfics or videos make me feel like my stomach is in knots, but at least I feel SOMETHING. It's like an uncomfortable feeling that I like because at least it's something.
            Though, I've come to realize that maybe it's not healthy to chase after something that makes me feel bad just to get rid of the empty feeling. It doesn't even matter in the long run, because after just a few days, that uncomfortable feeling stops showing up, and then I'm back at square one. However, I don't know what else to do, and actually FEELING something for once feels worth it. I actually FEEL the knots in my stomach. Unlike basically every other emotion that I nowadays only know in my head. I don't actually FEEL them in my body, but my brain knows I'm feeling them and reacts aqordingly.
            So yeah.....I'm.....not doing too good, which is why I haven't been posting anything lately.
            Hope you all are having a better time than I am.
            Blaze out...


Wow, it's not every day when I don't know what to say.....but today is one of those rare please, don't judge me if I seem at a loss of words.
          So, you're all probably wondering where I've been, and I'll try my best to explain myself.
          As most of you know, I've been struggling with writing for a few months now, and that's still a current problem, although it has shown signs of starting to ease. However, despite my motivation and inspiration to write slowly coming back, something recently happened, and now I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to write again anytime soon anyway.
          As much as I don't want to trouble you all with my issues, I want to vent about this, so I'm explaining to you all anyway.
          My uncle committed suicide this weekend, and I found out about it this Monday, so it's still a very fresh thing in my mind.
          I'm trying my best to process it but with my normal daily life not having changed, seeing as I only saw him at family gatherings and our skiing vacations, I can't seem to fully come to terms with the fact that he's gone. And the fact that no one who knew him has any idea of why he did this, everyone is confused. He never talked to anyone about his problems, always seemed to at ease and happy. He was the funny adult at all the parties and always had solutions to most problems, especially mechanical problems.
          He was the one who taught me how to ski, despite me being difficult, he never gave up on teaching me, as long as I had the drive to learn, he would help me.
          I never thought he would do something like this, he never showed any signs that warned anyone.
          I'm trying so hard to grieve him, but with the fact that my everyday life hasn't changed, it's made almost impossible. So. instead I'm left feeling confused, and angry at everything and nothing all at the same time.
          I have friends and classmates to talk to, but, venting here helps me think. Hope you all never have to experience this, and I wish you all a happy life.
          Sincerely Blaze.


@Blazetwin88 I'm so sorry to hear that! Losing someone can be so hard!


@Blazetwin88 I am sososososososo sorry! I know what it's like to loose the people you love. My great aunt died two years ago. She too committed suicide. I miss her like hell, and wish I spent more time with her. She was the kindest soul. I just want you to know, that you have support. Although I don't know you personally, I would give you a massive hug. Keep pushing, because even though life is hard, doesn't mean you should give up all you have. And I am not allowing you to give up, you hear? You're strong. We're all routing for you. Remember, it's okay to not be okay.


                      I can be strong,I can be weak
                      I can be proud, I can be meek
                      I can be gentle, I can be tough 
                  I can explode when I've had enough 
                 Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry
                Sometimes I lose, but I always will try
             I always get up, when I get knockeddown 
              And make a smile, out of any frown  I hope that God likes me, the day that we meet if only for a chance, to sit at his feet
          And be by his side, year after year while all of the bad things just disappear so when life gets tough and it's hard to be strong 
                             I'll never forget
                      HEAVEN IS WHERE I BELONG 
          Send this to someone who needs it
          Original message: @Empire_queen91 
          Ps: I hope your doing better


Alright, let's just do this....
          Hey guys....It's Blaze's been a while since you've heard from me, huh.
          Well, I figured it was about time I told you all why I've been absent lately.
          The truth is.....I'm not doing, at all.....
          Things are really hard right now and I can barely cope with everything going on in my life...
          My absence from writing hasn't been a choice I made, I just couldn't do it, and still barely can. I don't want to let you guys down, but I'm not in the right place to make anything for you all as it stands right now.
          I know this might just seem as an excuse, but honestly, I'm too tired to care about that right now.
          I don't want to worry any of you, but I figured you had the right to know what happened to me, and why it's still going to be a while before any sort of updates are made.
          I'm working on solving my issues, but they've grown a bit worse during these past few months, which is why I can't write anything. I don't know exactly when it happened, but at some point during this mental spiral, I became unable to write and so far I've not been able to climb back up enough for that to be a possibility again.
          I'm so sorry for not being able to give you guys content, but I hope you all understand why.
          Until next time..
          Blaze out....


@ Blazetwin88  Please say the same things to yourself. Love yourself like we love you❤️


@ Dipyygen  I....thank you...thank you so much! It means the world to me to hear this. I'm so grateful


@ Blazetwin88  Oh Blaze... I feel so bad when you say you're not okay... I know I'm a foreign to you but all of us care about you even on a place like this. Please don't feel obligated to write. You're more important than everything.  I can understand you about write block. To my experienment things get worse when you forced it. You can lost your excitement abaout writing so if you don't feel, please do not. We can wait but your health can't wait. I hope you can get well asap. And don't forget there are people who loves you all over the world


this message may be offensive
Hey everyone. It's me, I'm not exactly back yet, but I wanted to explain why I haven't been active lately.....
          For probably the first time since I started using wattpad, I won't actually go into details about what recently went down in my life. All I'm going to say is that I'm very much not doing all that well.
          As of right now, I have one drafted chapter of the possessed revenge rewrite which I'm going to post soon, but other than that it will most likely going to be a while before any updates from me are made.
          I'm not asking for anything other than your understanding in this. None of you have to do anything if you don't want to. You all have your own lives to deal with.
          But I want to tell you all something. I'm proud of everyone of you. No matter what your going through and how you're dealing with it, I love you all so much.
          I know life can be hard, I've dealt with a lot of shit myself and seen friends go through other shit, so I know how cruel the world can be to people that don't deserve it.
          So even if you had to force yourself to leave bed this morning, or if you didn't do anything at all. No matter how much or how little you did today, yesterday, or the week before that. No matter how much your going to do today, tomorrow, or the week to come. Either way, I'm proud of you, love you, and hope you all the best.
          No one deserves to live in a cruel world, but sometimes we have no choice, and if you can do that and still continue living, that's a big accomplishment and you deserve to be congratulated for it.
          Live your life the best you can, and take care of the time you have with loved ones like friends and family. There are people who love you out in the world.
          I'm sorry for my little rant, I've just been really emotional lately, hope you all understand and have a wonderful day, week, month, year, or life. I wish you all the best.
          Blaze out!


Honey, you will gonna make us cry  We are proud of you too and please always be hopeful. Stay safe and happy new year 


@ Blondygirlwrites  and thanks


@ Blondygirlwrites  Heh, I mean, I probably still would have wrote about as much as I did even if it hadn't been loss as a reason, that's just who I am. But still, I get what you mean...


Hey guys, Blaze here. I just noticed I reached 200 followers here on Wattpad so I just wanted to stop and take a moment to thank you all. Your support has been such a great help for me in more ways than one.
          When I started writing here on Wattpad it was just a fun thing, a way for me to tell my silly dream ideas and daydreams about a kids show I still enjoyed watching. But then when I started posting the original "possessed revenge" story, I started having people like what I wrote. It overwhelmed me at first, which led to me forcing myself to do things just to make you all happy. 
          But thanks to two very dear friends of mine who I met through my stories and Wattpad account, as well as supportive people in my surroundings, I grew to realize that it wasn't helping me dealing with my bad mental health in a healthy way. So I spoke up,  saying I'll write in my own pace and way.
          I thought people would hate for that, that they'd grow impatient if I didn't upload chapters on stories regularly, but I was wrong.
          You guys have stayed with me despite the choices I've made to try and get better, even if they might have inconvenienced you, and I thank you all for that.
          I've gotten a little bit of hate/less kind comments and stuff, but with the help of my friends and you guys, I've gotten through it.
          I may not be "normal" or perfect. I may not always be okay. But you all were there for me despite that, and I couldn't ask for anything else.
          Thank you, all of you, for being such a great support for me throughout these two (and a half) years I've been on here. It means the world to me.
          And with that, I wish you all happiness and good days and until next time, Blaze out!


@ Blondygirlbook  Thank you!


@Blazetwin88 I think you deserve all 200 followers I really enjoy your fantastic work and all your fanfiction books I can tell you spend a lot of time on your books and you always write amazing stories you put all your effort into these books 


@ Dipyygen  Thank you, so much.....I really have no word to describe how thankful I am to have people like you supporting me


Okay so, I'm sort of back. For as long as my head has the energy. Things have been rather rough for me lately. I've not been doing very well and have only had enough mental energy to do a few of my school assignments. Meaning I got behind on schoolwork rather quickly after this bad period started. Which only made me feel worse. So I've not been able to focus on writing very much because of that, and a few other reasons.
          I'm going to try and get out of this little hole to the best of my ability, but I can't promise anything.
          I'll try to give you guys more content. I might even post the story I'm writing for one of my school assignments as I'm currently rather proud of it.


@Blazetwin88 hey hey your health is improtant than over work you pretty soul for things wouldmake you hurt i hope you get relax and have a good day and good thungs in your life :(


@ Dipyygen  I-....Thank you so much.... It means a lot to hear that, thank you


@ Blazetwin88  We miss you so much <3 I have weited too long for new chapter but it doesn't matter honey. Your life is more important than books. Your school is really important for your future. So we can wait for you but time doesn't wait for you. So focus on your life and hard work. Don't let anything get you down. Love you <3


So......sorry for my sudden disappearance, I....had a lot to deal with this summer. But I've worked on the rewrite of possessed revenge and am planning to post the first chapter (in a new book for those who enjoy the old version more) either today or tomorrow, hopefully. Anyway, that's all I have to say at the moment, hope you all are well.