@CompleteDarkness ((ME TOO! I thought I was the only one who knew that video! *Happy squeal/twitch/dance/whatthetruckever* YAAY))
HAHA YEAH. Im gonna go update :D Since I haven't updated in like... 3 weeks. e-e I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON *Anime cries*
@CompleteDarkness ((ME TOO! I thought I was the only one who knew that video! *Happy squeal/twitch/dance/whatthetruckever* YAAY))
HAHA YEAH. Im gonna go update :D Since I haven't updated in like... 3 weeks. e-e I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON *Anime cries*
@CompleteDarkness ((Haha, cool. ^_^))
@Konan_ Yeah. I forgot completely what we were talking about... I'm too lazy for my own good xP ((Nice c:))
@CompleteDarkness YES. YES YOU DID. BUURN BRO OH SNAP. *Blinks awkwardly* Uhh.. Hey. o-o